Any negative payment item will stay on each bureau report for 6 years after the date of original default or the "date of last activity." Bankruptcies and some court judgments may have different periods. See my Nov.11, 2008 post below for a detailed explanation of how the bureaus define the "date of last activity."
Apparently, you took out the student loan in November, 2002, and stopped making payments in Feb., 2004 - if the Equifax report is correct. If so, it should disappear from both credit reports by Feb., 2010. Nevertheless, that doesn't always happen in the real world. Banks and collection agencies may keep deliberately shunting the date ahead through knowingly misreporting it in an effort to pressure the debtor into paying. When that occurs, you have to dispute it with the bureaus; hopefully with documentation. If you don't have any, don't expect the bank or collection agency to be very helpful in providing it.
The 12/05/2007 entry on the TransUnion report probably refers to when the collection agency last reviewed it.
Note: The legal liability aspects of the student loan are independant of the credit reporting ones. There is no statute of limitations for the Ontario (OSAP) portion of a student loan that was not already stats barred (under the old 6 year rule) prior to Jan. 1, 2004. [That includes your loan.]
This is due to the transition rules of Section 24 of the Ontario Limitations Act of 2002. Also, it is only eligible to be included in bankruptcy proceedings if 10 yeras have passed since you attended school, although I believe this has recently been reduced to 7 years.
As well, the federal portion has a 6 year limitation period after it went into default OR you last made a payment OR provided written acknowledgment of it. Unlike unsecured consumer loans, this debt can be revived after it becomes stats barred. Thus you might want to keep correspondence to the telephone. Collection agencies are always sending student loan defaulters financial information sheets to fill out. They know every time you send one back you renew OR revive the federal limitation period.