It would appear the awards for Global Credit and Collections working with Deanna Natale never cease. The next 2 are from Capital One and Arrow Financial Services for being "Rookie of the Year" and "Canadian Agency of the Year," respectively.
Global Credit and Collections relocated on May 1, 2006 from 15 Wertheim Road, Suites 811 and 600 in Richmond Hill, Ontario to their present location a few kilometers away on 8133 Warden Avenue, Suite 400 in Markham.
The reason for the potential business association confusion was that Mark Silverthorn used to list his address on his legal letterheads as 15 Wentheim Court, Suite 806, Richmond Hill - an office that was adjacent to Global's. In fact, it's the same address used on the "draft" Form 7A's he sent out. Unfortunately, although he was working next door to Global, the Form 7A's don't identify what collection agency he was associated with. Instead, they request payment be made to a PO Box 903 in Agincourt, Ont. It was all very mysterious.
Seven months after Global moved to their new and improved present location, Deanna Natale, after her rancourous split with TCR replicated Silverthorn's function by moving her office to suite 405, which is also adjacent to Global's new office in suite 400.
The reason why Silverthorn was replaced by Natale isn't disclosed; however, the sour turn of events between Natale and TCR owner George Krieser obviously necessitated that she find a similar position where her "talents" could fully utilized. The one with Global was also closer to home and so it would appear, at least externally, to have been a great fit.
Anyhow, it isn't clear whether Silverthorn moved his office with Gobal or he remained at his old location and continued to work for them out of there for the remainder of 2006 before relocating to his present office in Kitchener. That's doubtlessly why people like John Leblanc, host of the Canada Student Debt Forum, were confused and were asking if there was any connection between the Natale and Silverthorn. Let's face it: collection lawyers, given the reaction the nature of their work generates, conduct themselves in a fashion that's less than open.
As for the awards, it seems collection agencynomic awards keep coming to Global Credit featuring Deanna Natale. As per their website link above, Gobal, using the services of Deanna Natale and other collection lawyers, managed to win the "Canadian Agency of the Year" award from Arrow Financial Services in Sept.. 2007 for excellence in strategic financial management. Ok, it's not the Nobel Prize but it's still a prize.
What, you ask, is "strategic financial management"? Well, sometimes a picture or a story is worth a 1000 words.
We'll bring back a post by blogger Omni2242 (Ruth E. Hall), a crippled, cancer stricken, destitute senior who dealt with Natale Law Offices and Arrow Financial Services. Hall doesn't mention whether Natale is collecting this particular debt directly for Arrow or through Global.
"I also was shaffed by Deanna Natale 2 weeks ago. It was unfortunate that I did not find this website before. I was sent a letter from her law office with 2, 7A forms in it. The letter stated that I owed AFS.US INC. the amount of $3693.39 for a loan from citifinancial.I have no idea who AFS.US.INC are. I never ever got a letter from them. A far as I know the insurance I had on my loan for citi paid it when I lost my job. I called this law office and spoke with Mike Morton and he told me this company bought my debt from citi because insurance only paid a portion of it and now I was being sued for this amount. I explained to him that I was 64 yrs old and have not been able to work due to having a hip replacement and when they fixed my hip they found a tumor in my stomach which I am having chemotherapy at this time. I told him I was seperated and my only income was $1000.00 per month and I have rent to pay and I have to eat. He advised me to ask my family for help paying this so it did not go to court. I am struggling with this chemo and not thinking clearly so I told him I would see what I could who. He gavr me a deadline to call him to let him know when I could sent a payment or see how much I could get to-gether.He kept bugging me for it. I called him back sometime later and said all I could get was $2600.00 . He then puts this person on this deanna and she tells me she would accept the 2600.00 and I will have to make payments on the rest. Then she wants my bank account number so she can take it out on a pre authorized plan. I refused her and she became angry with me. I told her I was taking chemo and I would send her a check when I could. She stated she did not care about my health issues and she needed the money as soon as possible . I did go and send the certified check for 2600.00 and mailed it so it had to be signed for. I called this Mike Morton and told him I had sent it and then he said he wanted the tracking number to track it. I then asked him to send me a letter stating this is what I gave them and the arrangements that I had made with deanna about the rest. I did not receive a letter and called them again. This Mike tells me it was sent Aug 27 this is now sept 10 and still no letter and he will not answer the messages I leave him. I know now what a bunch of crooks they are but as I said I was not myself with taking this chemo and this deanna really took advantage of my situation. I have a friend that was a judge and is now practicing law and I have shown him these drafts and the letter and he promised to look into it. he said those forms from the court are bogis. I know what a stupid mistake I made now after seeing this site and only wish I had seen it earlier. This Mike tells me there is a site on here from the law office stating that this deanna natale is sueing the site that started this about her. If anyone knows of it please send it to me so I can read it. Add me to your list of complaints against her and her phoney law office."
Ruth E. Hall
Irregardless, the [BBB] site reports that Global, when contacted by them, has no interest or intention of following it's rules for addressing complaints.
Yep, collection agencynomic awards; pure "Raymond" fiction!