Collection Agencies - TD Line of credit - Canada

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More "Fictional" [Worthless] Awards

Postby Raymond » Fri Oct 17, 2008 05:01:42 PM

It would appear the awards for Global Credit and Collections working with Deanna Natale never cease. The next 2 are from Capital One and Arrow Financial Services for being "Rookie of the Year" and "Canadian Agency of the Year," respectively.

Global Credit and Collections relocated on May 1, 2006 from 15 Wertheim Road, Suites 811 and 600 in Richmond Hill, Ontario to their present location a few kilometers away on 8133 Warden Avenue, Suite 400 in Markham.

The reason for the potential business association confusion was that Mark Silverthorn used to list his address on his legal letterheads as 15 Wentheim Court, Suite 806, Richmond Hill - an office that was adjacent to Global's. In fact, it's the same address used on the "draft" Form 7A's he sent out. Unfortunately, although he was working next door to Global, the Form 7A's don't identify what collection agency he was associated with. Instead, they request payment be made to a PO Box 903 in Agincourt, Ont. It was all very mysterious.

Seven months after Global moved to their new and improved present location, Deanna Natale, after her rancourous split with TCR replicated Silverthorn's function by moving her office to suite 405, which is also adjacent to Global's new office in suite 400.

The reason why Silverthorn was replaced by Natale isn't disclosed; however, the sour turn of events between Natale and TCR owner George Krieser obviously necessitated that she find a similar position where her "talents" could fully utilized. The one with Global was also closer to home and so it would appear, at least externally, to have been a great fit.

Anyhow, it isn't clear whether Silverthorn moved his office with Gobal or he remained at his old location and continued to work for them out of there for the remainder of 2006 before relocating to his present office in Kitchener. That's doubtlessly why people like John Leblanc, host of the Canada Student Debt Forum, were confused and were asking if there was any connection between the Natale and Silverthorn. Let's face it: collection lawyers, given the reaction the nature of their work generates, conduct themselves in a fashion that's less than open.

As for the awards, it seems collection agencynomic awards keep coming to Global Credit featuring Deanna Natale. As per their website link above, Gobal, using the services of Deanna Natale and other collection lawyers, managed to win the "Canadian Agency of the Year" award from Arrow Financial Services in Sept.. 2007 for excellence in strategic financial management. Ok, it's not the Nobel Prize but it's still a prize.

What, you ask, is "strategic financial management"? Well, sometimes a picture or a story is worth a 1000 words.

We'll bring back a post by blogger Omni2242 (Ruth E. Hall), a crippled, cancer stricken, destitute senior who dealt with Natale Law Offices and Arrow Financial Services. Hall doesn't mention whether Natale is collecting this particular debt directly for Arrow or through Global.


"I also was shaffed by Deanna Natale 2 weeks ago. It was unfortunate that I did not find this website before. I was sent a letter from her law office with 2, 7A forms in it. The letter stated that I owed AFS.US INC. the amount of $3693.39 for a loan from citifinancial.I have no idea who AFS.US.INC are. I never ever got a letter from them. A far as I know the insurance I had on my loan for citi paid it when I lost my job. I called this law office and spoke with Mike Morton and he told me this company bought my debt from citi because insurance only paid a portion of it and now I was being sued for this amount. I explained to him that I was 64 yrs old and have not been able to work due to having a hip replacement and when they fixed my hip they found a tumor in my stomach which I am having chemotherapy at this time. I told him I was seperated and my only income was $1000.00 per month and I have rent to pay and I have to eat. He advised me to ask my family for help paying this so it did not go to court. I am struggling with this chemo and not thinking clearly so I told him I would see what I could who. He gavr me a deadline to call him to let him know when I could sent a payment or see how much I could get to-gether.He kept bugging me for it. I called him back sometime later and said all I could get was $2600.00 . He then puts this person on this deanna and she tells me she would accept the 2600.00 and I will have to make payments on the rest. Then she wants my bank account number so she can take it out on a pre authorized plan. I refused her and she became angry with me. I told her I was taking chemo and I would send her a check when I could. She stated she did not care about my health issues and she needed the money as soon as possible . I did go and send the certified check for 2600.00 and mailed it so it had to be signed for. I called this Mike Morton and told him I had sent it and then he said he wanted the tracking number to track it. I then asked him to send me a letter stating this is what I gave them and the arrangements that I had made with deanna about the rest. I did not receive a letter and called them again. This Mike tells me it was sent Aug 27 this is now sept 10 and still no letter and he will not answer the messages I leave him. I know now what a bunch of crooks they are but as I said I was not myself with taking this chemo and this deanna really took advantage of my situation. I have a friend that was a judge and is now practicing law and I have shown him these drafts and the letter and he promised to look into it. he said those forms from the court are bogis. I know what a stupid mistake I made now after seeing this site and only wish I had seen it earlier. This Mike tells me there is a site on here from the law office stating that this deanna natale is sueing the site that started this about her. If anyone knows of it please send it to me so I can read it. Add me to your list of complaints against her and her phoney law office."

Ruth E. Hall

Irregardless, the [BBB] site reports that Global, when contacted by them, has no interest or intention of following it's rules for addressing complaints.

Yep, collection agencynomic awards; pure "Raymond" fiction!


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RE: Silverthorn

Postby franniee2003 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 03:56:34 AM

Ray dont you change anything you do on this site You are very helpful in my situation if it were not for you I would be worrying and driving myself crazy thinking the collection agency and they were right and I was wrong,. And I am sure other people are grateful to you and others like you for your help so keep up the great work
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RE: Silverthorn

Postby Raymond » Fri Oct 17, 2008 07:07:39 AM

Yesterday, I said it should be questioned whether there existed any business relationship between the Natale and Silverthorn. I didn't assert there was one but only asked IF there was. Information on the web made the question necessary. has them as being associated with Consumer Protection in their list of personal profiles. As well, John Leblanc, O/O of the popular Canada Student Debt Forum, as per the link I posted yesterday

stated that Mark Silverthorn had an onsite office he worked out of with Global Credit and Collections on Warden Avenue in Markham. Deanna Natale also worked out of suite 405 which is also adjacent to Global Credit's offices, a company she represents. I'm told by sources that Natale moved there toward the end of 2006 or at the beginning of 2007 after an unceremonious split with TCR just before Christmas, 2006. However, you can see from the blogs, some of which feature former collectors themselves (like the one below by blogger ChrisD), that as of Sept.18, 2006, Mark Silverthorn also worked for Global Credit and Collections

Johnny Leblanc's response is not dated and it's not certain that his assertion Silverthorn used an office working out of Global is correct. Irregardless, whether their office spaces were in the same physical locale, he and Deanna Natale worked for the same company doing substantially the same work. That much was clear. But it wasn't clear if their time periods at Global overlapped. However, it now appears the most probable explanation is that Natale took over the work Silverthorn was doing for Global so that, in fact, they may never have met. Natale started sending out her letters for Global either in January or at the latest, Feb., 2007.

Having said that, one must keep in mind the world of collection lawyers is a relatively small one. If you are practicing a profession with a restricted membership, then it would seem unlikely over the course of 12 years, you would never have met or even come to know of one of your prominent peers.

It is for these reasons and one other which I won't go into again, I felt it should have been asked if they had any relationship, working or at least non-arms length.

It seems like a legitimate question that any prospective client would ask about potential conflicts of interest.


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RE: Silverthorn et al.

Postby montyloree » Thu Oct 16, 2008 06:35:08 PM

Apparently there was a question that Mark Silverthorn has had dealings with Deanna Natale in the past.

According to an email from Mark Silverthorn:
"I would like to set the record straight. At no time have I ever had a business relationship or affiliation of any kind whatsoever with a lawyer named Deanna Natale. She has never been a law partner of mine, nor have I ever shared office space with her. To the best of my knowledge I have never met the woman."

Of course we want people to state their opinions on this site. That's what we're all about. However, sometimes in humor, we have talked about things that may have resembled reality.

Mark Silverthorn has expressed his interested in helping consumers from here on in. I'll honor that. We need his level of experience to help our visitors.
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RE: Silverthorn et al.

Postby Raymond » Thu Oct 16, 2008 08:34:30 PM

Edited by: Monty Loree
This conversation is fictitious and never actually took place. It is a Raymond creation.

I tried to remove what I had said about Silverthorn, Monty simply because I didn't want to stand in your way, but the edit function isn't allowing me to. Sorry, you''ll have to manually remove it.


Well, it's a play, and if that were not enough, it states that it's fictitious at the bottom in the [superflous] playwright's footnotes. Surely, no one is crazy enough to think that Deanna Natale actually won a Nobel Prize!

Mr. Silverthorn apparently takes umbrage at my disagreement with the effectivenes of some the advice in his book and my crticism of what I feel he has left out.

Further, Monty has asked me not to post anything further that might be interpreted in a negative light against what Mr. Silverthorn may have to say as it would hamper future business collaboration efforts. I shall oblige.

One of the requiste elements of defamation is that its contents be untrue, and so if there is anything that I've posted that violates the spirit or truth or fact, I'd appreciate having it called to my attention. In any event, I accede to Mr. Loree's wishes.

Unlike Mr. Silverthorn or Monty, I make no money out of what I say to help people. This ensures that there's no conflict of interest as my one and only criterion has been to communicate what is in the other person's best interest.

Regretfully, that will no longer be possible on this site.

(Oftentimes, what has been needed to be communicated has been stated in a blunt manner. The collections and credit repair industry is filled with callous and desensitized individuals who make their money off others' misfortune and misery. And so, often, such people need to be dealt with in a firm manner as the well being of debtors in distress must continue to be the uppermost consideration.)

Wishing everyone the best.



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RE: TD Line of credit

Postby Raymond » Thu Oct 16, 2008 08:20:13 PM

You did the right thing. I still think it's a real long shot they'll sue you, and even if they did, you would still come out way ahead.

She was in a bad mood because you took a piece of Kentucky Fired chicken away from a seagull.

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RE: TD Line of credit

Postby Pheth999 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 06:07:09 PM

I called the rep of that collection agency this morning (I told her I would call her back). I can't believe that she was nice and polite, asked me how I was doing today... What do you think.. I told her not very well since I can't solve this problem by borrowing more money. Then she changed her tone. "This is your the money you owed and you are really close to the deadline." I told her I wasn't even offered 1 month to pay it off... I got less than 15 days. I told her I will call her if I got the money but if not, there is nothing I can do about it. She once again remind me of my duty to pay the money back. If I did not pay, my wage will be garnished. I told her its not her decision to make. She said something about she will advice the client (TD Bank) to take legal action.. then I just say goodbye and end the call. Still worried and feel really bad that I can't pay back what I owed. But this is the situation right now.. and there is nothing much I can do anymore.

Thank you very much for your advice. I really appreciate all your help and share of your knowledge.

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RE: TD Line of credit

Postby Raymond » Thu Oct 16, 2008 04:47:54 PM

Thanks, but I'd be much happier if Commercial Credit Adjusters got a 24 Karat Golden Shovel Award.

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RE: TD Line of credit

Postby franniee2003 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 02:45:46 PM

You will get good advice from these people in my case I was told they were taking me to court and so far the small claim people have no record of a judgement against me and this Friday was suppose to be the dead line for me to pay or else. And so far in my case no one has replied back to my last two letters I have sent them You guys are the greatest and you all should be given Medals
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RE: TD Line of credit

Postby Raymond » Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:36:01 AM

They knew about the Royal Bank Visa because they pulled your credit reports. Also, it looks like you ignored their right of offset when TD transferred the L/C funds to cover your Visa. I don't know why people don't anticipate those obvious things.

Collection agencies use the trick of being nice as pie to people to get them to make what they think will be an easy initial payment schedule. It's part of their chemelion act to get you paying. Then, after the first payment is made, the account usually lands on some hardballer's desk whose favorite book is "Mein Kempf."

TD hasn't been in the habit of suing people in your situation even for the amounts you owed; instead, they've been selling off their line of credit accounts to Portfolio Management Solutions, now called AktivKaptial. Since you made significant payments to your Visa, TD's internal recovery dept. likely instructed the collection agency to keep the account with them since the prospects for significant recovery were excellent. Their Visa accounts they usually rotate to various collection agencies.

But the irony probably is they wouldn't have sued you for either one even back when the original defaults occurred. It depends a lot on what assets and income they know you have. Since you had little of either, I strongly suspect they wouldn't have sued you back then AND I even more strongly suspect the riot act you are getting now is merely the BIG BAD WOLF huffing and puffing to blow your house down. I'd bet it's 20:1 that they won't sue you; maybe 40:1. I hate making crystal ball predictions and so when I make them I always try to err on the side of caution. TD blessed collection agency practices of making false legal threats to people.

Your friend is right. Even if they sued you in Small Claims Court, it would take them a year or more depending on what provincial court jurisdiction you live in to get any money at all. You can only get a garnishment after the pretrial settlement conference fails AND after the plaintiff secures a judgment against you AND after you fail to follow the repayment order the judge awards the plaintiff.

If you POLITELY explained your circumstances to the judge, he/she would almost certainly give you easy repayment terms. And so I'd give the collection agency and TD Recovery @1- 888- 453-0334 (I think it is) the location of the Small Claims Court the next time they threaten you and tell them to sue away. I bet they won't.

Collection agency guidelines are absolutely meaningless; to be taken with agrain of salt. Usually, the same goes for the settlement percentages they quote.


You can ask Silverthorn if you want, but I think he'd tell you the same thing.
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