by Raymond » Mon Sep 29, 2008 09:07:22 PM
:-) Not that big of a problem.
TD usually places these accounts with MJR or Pomer & Boccia.
The former is a collection agency in Mississauga by the Airport who use lawyer Joel Miskin's letterhead to send out collection letters.
The latter is more of a Punjabi collection agency over on Steeles Ave West although they, too, have 2 lawyers who let them use their names on letterheads.
I mention both because they will likely rotate the account to Pomer & Boccia after 6 months.
Both mindless agencies are equally useless, but TD encourages (or at least they did) Pomer and Boccia to send out phoney Form 7A "Draft Statements of Claim" to the various accident victims and ambulance cases they are forever chasing down.
If you get one of these AFTER the debt is stats barred, you should send in a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada, NOT Consumer Protection, about a lawyer knowingly engaging in deceptive practices. It violates their Rules of Professional Conduct (See Rule 2.02). As well, you should send a letter into FSCO (Financial Services Commission of Ontario) complaining about the bank knowingly commissioning its agent to engage in this illicit beaviour.
The bank account will become stats barred 2 years after it went into default. TD Recovery thinks it's when the account was written off 6 months later but it's not. Save any old account statements or notice letters you have from TD. They will come in handy when the bluffing calls come in - and believe me they will. But just use them for a laugh.
TD will not sue you over this amount, especially since they probably know your circumstances already. And if they don't you would be wise not to tell them.