From the Red Flag Deals forum and user "cadewesley"...pyramid scheme-related charges were laid earlier this year in Steinbach, Manitoba - home to our Ken McAllister:
From the article:
Michael Rozak, 57, Kimberley Heier, 50, Lisa Behrendt, 48, Annie Petkau, 38, Katharine Reimer, 52, Melinda Scheper, 45 and David Kauenhowen, 59, were all charged with illegal lottery scheme under the Criminal Code.
Kimberley Heier, UFirst agent #931161, Steinbach, MB
Branch Manager: Ken Haslam
Reim'er Reason (Katharine Reimer), UFirst agent #946592, Steinbach, MB
Branch Manager: Ken McAllister
Ken McAllister and Ken Haslam have, in their downlines, people who have been charged with "illegal lottery scheme", relating to a pyramid scheme other than UFirst. It should be noted that Ken Haslam was recruited by Ken McAllister, so both women charged are technically in Ken McAllister's downline.
Interesting, eh?