by Vitzbitz » Sat May 10, 2008 04:00:50 PM
How much? As much as you can afford I suspect.
When we had no savings I wanted just one mortgage payment sitting in the savings account in case there was an error with my paycheque. Then I wanted two mortgage payments (accelerated bi-weekly here, so it's not as much money as it sounds), then one months worth of expenses.
We're now working on two months worth of expenses, and it'll undoubtedly keep going from there (at least I hope it will).
The emergency fund is separate from general savings and retirement savings (although admittedly until we get a little more in the emergency fund it is certainly a higher priority than the other two accounts).
(It's kinda addictive once you get into the misers habit, we've also started a trust fund for my 3 year old, in addition to her RESP, compound interest is a nice thing after all).