Collection Agencies - Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations - Canada

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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby patrob69 » Wed Jun 25, 2008 10:34:24 AM

Actually they can't call all they want. Send them a registered letter requesting that they don't call anymore and that any correspondence be done through mail. Be careful about "admitting" to the debt because the statute of limitations can be re-aged. Make sure you say you disagree with the charges and use "stats barred" as a defence in the rare case they do try to sue you.

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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby ranzzzz » Tue Jun 24, 2008 09:34:53 PM

unfortunately they can call all they want but they can do NOTHING about it. Tell them straight ahead that the debt is already stats barred and you aren't gonna pay. Tell them to feel them to sue you which they can't even do so.
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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby notaclue » Mon Jun 23, 2008 06:37:52 PM

What if the "Last Day of Activity" was June 2000....over 8 years ago, and no judgement was no longer shows on my credit report. I have never acknowleged this debt. How long can Pomer & Boccia keep calling to collect? They are calling and harassing family members as they have never had my phone number. Is there not a time limit for collection agencies as well??

Please help!
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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby cadude » Wed Apr 30, 2008 03:39:27 PM

Here is an excellent article on the SOL:
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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby jammedup123 » Wed Apr 30, 2008 07:17:10 AM

So I am correct that if I did make a payment in 01/04, then the new 2 year statute would take effect. Or would it restart a new 6 year period because that is the statute that was in effect when the debt originated.

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RE: Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby ranzzzz » Tue Apr 29, 2008 07:45:08 PM

You are absolutely right. As you have already said, either way the debt is stats barred so just continue to ignore them. It is also better for your credit report to just let it ride.
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Collection Agency and the Statute of Limitations

Postby jammedup123 » Tue Apr 29, 2008 03:53:04 PM

I have an account that was defaulted in 02/02. Now I continued to talk with them for a few more months but did not make another payment to them since that date.

On my credit file it says that there was a transaction on the account on 01/04 but I can guarantee that I made no payment to this account at that point. But even if I did would this payment not start the SOL over again but now under the two year rule instead of the 6 year.

Now I am being harrassed by a collection agency saying that they are going to sue me. I believe under either situation that the SOL is up and they are just trying to scare me.

Can anyone tell me if based on these dates they can take me to court or if I should just continue to ignore them.

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