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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby Libertyrides » Mon Feb 02, 2009 07:26:07 PM

Generally speaking, that was my experience, too. However, a few weeks ago I rec'd notice from RBC that I owed almost $100 in fees to cover a student loan payment that kept bouncing back 'n forth. I'd long since closed out my RBC account (or so I thought!) and had been paying the loan through my new bank.

Anyway, the tellers were great (local, not over the phone) and cleared the debt owing. Now, if I could just get them to do that with the credit card debt, eh? Yeah, I know.. dream on :)
"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it" ~ Frank A. Clark
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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby average_joe » Mon Feb 02, 2009 07:11:31 PM

I found RBC to be a cold hearted bank. I saw their true colors when I explained my financial hardship to them. I had many debts and all the other major banks understood and accepted my settlement offer, except RBC.

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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby Libertyrides » Mon Feb 02, 2009 06:59:42 PM

Actually, at the time, I asked to speak to his supervisor. I complimented the employee's assistance and shared about how thankful I was to finally be treated with some sense of respect, after nightmare weeks of nasty types. I didn't share a word-for-word playback of what he'd told me.. but I did thank him and attempted to have his service acknowleged.

Even during toxic times I'm always looking for the fresh water. It can be so uplifting to see a glass "half full"!
"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it" ~ Frank A. Clark
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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby average_joe » Mon Feb 02, 2009 06:39:31 PM

If you had someone like that RBC consider yourself lucky. I bet that person won't be there long; if someone found out he was giving that kind of information out.
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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby Libertyrides » Mon Feb 02, 2009 06:34:36 PM

Hi Average_Joe

Good to "meet" you :) I had one very kind soul with RBC. He actually reminded me that I needed to take care of myself first, and THEN the credit card debt. The other people (same bank) were trying to make me feel criminal for even having rent money, let alone groceries.

"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it" ~ Frank A. Clark
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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby average_joe » Mon Feb 02, 2009 05:36:37 PM

I had dealings with all of the major banks in the past and Royal Bank is the worst. The aggressive tactics they use when they want to collect; is the worst I have ever seen.

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RE: This bank rocks!!

Postby Libertyrides » Mon Feb 02, 2009 04:42:43 PM

I've really enjoyed banking with Bank of Nova Scotia, too. I was a Royal Bank customer for decades.. until I got in over my head with credit card debt and had my chequing account funds frozen a few times.

So, just for sanity's sake, I changed banks.. I fully intend to pay my credit card debt but I couldn't live without access to my funds (rent money, from a younger brother!). He'd deposit it money into my account the night before rent was due and the RBC would then freeze my account.. I'd have to call them and end up "allowing" a good portion of the funds to go towards the credit card debt. It was an endless circle of frustration.

Bank of Nova Scotia is the most consumer-friendly bank I've ever dealt with. Kudos to them :)

"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it" ~ Frank A. Clark
Posts: 99
Joined: Mon Feb 02, 2009 03:17:29 PM
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This bank rocks!!

Postby munch » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:00:00 AM

I've dealt with nearly all the major banks in Canada, and have found that BNS is by far the best to deal with.

The level of customer service is miles above the lame and pitiful service offered by TD (and don't even get me started about CIBC).

I never have to stand in line...I just make an appt with my personal banking officer.

I can get a lot of crazy charges reversed, and was able to score a free safety deposit box.

My mortgage rate is the lowest of anybody I know.

I was able to negotiate lower rates for my LOC....try that with TD. Good luck with that.

I was a TD customer for my entire life...those guys blew a 20 year relationship in a matter of 3 months (Looooooooooooooooooong story)......the demise started when they bought Canada Trust. I've been with Scotia for a few years, and am completely satisfied with the level of service.

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