by CutiePie64 » Tue May 08, 2012 08:06:31 AM
Phil Sybal, the agent below, is a referal source for Nick Hozjan. Nick pays Phil a percentage of commission for every mortgage directed to him. Therefore I wouldn't put much value in Phil's recommendation here.
There are several things you should know about Nick:
1) Firstline Mortgages awarded Nick with a Porsche, yes a Porsche, for directing so many mortgages to them. If you walk into his office you will see a shelf full of awards, all from Firstline. It's strange to call oneself "an independent broker", when you're in cahoots with one bank. It also makes you wonder if you are in fact getting the best rates...
2) Nick is rarely in Toronto. He spends much of the time at his home in Florida, or travelling abroad. He has calls routed from his Canadian phone to his American phone number.When you are 'holding' to speak to Nick, one of his assistants is calling his cell phone, and then transfers his line to yours.
3) Nick has very little involvement in his own business, and if you think he is 'handling' your mortgage, you are mistaken. Your mortgage is being handled by one of his disgruntled workers for whom the average turnaround time is low.
3) Nick has a narcissistic psyche with a lust for money above all else. He had fired his lead broker, Kevin (the shining star of the business), shortly after being the best man at his wedding. He coldly fired his brother from the business and cut him off, while also deciding to neglect his entire family with whom he has poor relations.
It's important to understand the man you're dealing with, and I hope this information is helpful.